Source code for

import os
import sys
import html
import telegram
import yaml
from telegram import Update, ParseMode
from telegram.ext import (
from telegram.ext.dispatcher import run_async
from polical import configuration
from polical import connectSQLite
from polical import tasks_processor
from polical import MateriaClass, TareaClass
import re
import json
import logging
import traceback
import pytz
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta

# Enable logging
    format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", level=logging.INFO

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None: """This command handler starts the bot interactions it sends a message to the user with the instructions to use the bot""" username = update.message.from_user["id"] message = ( "Bienvenido a PoliCal!\n" + "Recuerde que antes de iniciar el proceso de obtención de credenciales ud debe tener una cuenta en el Aula Virtual, y deben estar iniciadas las sesiones en el navegador predeterminado" + f"\nAcceda al siguiente enlace: {CALENDAR_MOODLE_EPN_URL} " + "\nA continuación se abrirá un link hacia el Aula Virtual EPN: \n 1. En proximos eventos para: elija Todos los cursos" + "\n 2. A continuación desplácese a la parte más inferior de la página y de clic en el botón Exportar Calendario" + '\n 3. Luego, en la opción Exportar seleccione todos los eventos\n 4. Después en "para" seleccione los 60 días recientes y próximos' + "\n 5. Finalmente de clic en el boton Obtener URL del calendario" + "\n 6. Responda con /url y el enlace obtenido" ) if not connectSQLite.check_user_existence(username): connectSQLite.save_user(username), text=message, )
[docs]def get_moodle_epn_url(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None: """This command handler is made for receiving the moodle url from the user and saves it to the database""" username = update.message.from_user["id"] try: calendar_url = " ".join(context.args).replace("\n", "") if configuration.check_for_url(calendar_url): connectSQLite.save_user_calendar_url(calendar_url, username), text="Utilice /update para obtener sus tareas", ) else:, text="Algo salió mal mientras se registraba la url," + " verifique y reintente", ) except:, text="Algo salió mal mientras se registraba la url," + " verifique y reintente", )
[docs]def save_subject_command(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None: """This command handler saves a subject if is not registerd in the database""" username = update.message.from_user["id"] new_subject = " ".join(context.args) try: subject_code ="\(([^)]+)", new_subject).group(1) subject_new_name = MateriaClass.Materia(new_subject, subject_code) connectSQLite.save_user_subject_name(subject_new_name, username), text="Materia " + new_subject + " registrada", ) except:, text="Algo salió mal mientras se registraba la materia," + " recuerde incluir el código de la materia dentro de parentesis", )
[docs]def callback_reminder_message(context: CallbackContext) -> None: """This callback handler registers a new job for remind the user about a task 30 minutes before due the task""" (chat_id, text_message, message_id) = context.job.context "Added new reminder for task: " + str(text_message) + " for user: " + str(chat_id) ) try: chat_id=chat_id, text=text_message, reply_to_message_id=message_id ) except Exception as e: logger.warning("cannot reply message {}: {}".format(message_id, e))
[docs]def get_new_tasks(context: CallbackContext) -> None: """This functions repeats in specific times, looks for new tasks for every user that has a valid url registered in the database, also defines new jobs for reminder incoming tasks for the users""" users_with_url = connectSQLite.get_all_users_with_URL() task_bot_datetime ="get_new_tasks started") print("get_new_tasks started") for user_with_url in users_with_url: username = user_with_url[0] calendar_url = user_with_url[1] tasks_processor.save_tasks_to_db(calendar_url, username, {}, False) tasks = connectSQLite.get_tasks_for_bot(username, task_bot_datetime) sended_tasks = connectSQLite.get_sended_tasks_for_bot( username, START_BOT_DATETIME ) global CREATED_REMINDERS_OLD_TASKS if len(sended_tasks) > 0 and CREATED_REMINDERS_OLD_TASKS: for sended_task in sended_tasks: context.job_queue.run_once( callback_reminder_message, sended_task[2], context=( username, "La tarea " + sended_task[0] + " expirará pronto", sended_task[0], ), ) if len(tasks) > 0: send_new_tasks(context, username, tasks) CREATED_REMINDERS_OLD_TASKS = False
[docs]def send_new_tasks(context: CallbackContext, username: str, tasks: list) -> None: """This function sends the tasks as messages to the users also registers josb for new task and remidner to the user Args: context (CallbackContext): Context sended by the main command handler username (str): username to send the message tasks (list): List of tasks to be sended to the user """ for task in tasks: message = task.summary() sended_msg = None try: sended_msg = chat_id=username, text=message, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, ) except: sended_msg =, text=message) task.define_tid(sended_msg.message_id) for task in tasks: if task.tid: connectSQLite.add_task_tid(str(, str(task.tid), str(username)) context.job_queue.run_once( callback_reminder_message, task.due_date - timedelta(minutes=30), context=( username, "La tarea " + task.title + " expirará pronto", task.tid, ), )
[docs]def get_jobs(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None: """This function is made to kno how much jobs are currently executing""" username = update.message.from_user["id"] if username == 232424901: chat_id=232424901, text="Number of jobs " + str(len(, )
[docs]def get_tasks(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None: """This command handler is made for updating and sending the tasks to the users""" username = update.message.from_user["id"] calendar_url = connectSQLite.get_user_calendar_url(username) tasks_processor.save_tasks_to_db(calendar_url, username, {}, False) tasks = connectSQLite.get_tasks_for_bot(username, sended_tasks = connectSQLite.get_sended_tasks_for_bot(username, if len(tasks) == 0 and len(sended_tasks) == 0:, text="No existen tareas nuevas, verifique consultando el calendario", ) else: for task in sended_tasks:, text=task[1], reply_to_message_id=int(task[0]), ) send_new_tasks(context, username, tasks)
[docs]def error_handler(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None: """Log the error and send a telegram message to notify the developer.""" # Log the error before we do anything else, so we can see it even if something breaks. logger.error(msg="Exception while handling an update:", exc_info=context.error) # traceback.format_exception returns the usual python message about an exception, but as a # list of strings rather than a single string, so we have to join them together. tb_list = traceback.format_exception( None, context.error, context.error.__traceback__ ) tb_string = "".join(tb_list) # Build the message with some markup and additional information about what happened. # You might need to add some logic to deal with messages longer than the 4096 character limit. message = ( f"An exception was raised while handling an update\n" f"<pre>update = {html.escape(json.dumps(update.to_dict(), indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))}" "</pre>\n\n" f"<pre>context.chat_data = {html.escape(str(context.chat_data))}</pre>\n\n" f"<pre>context.user_data = {html.escape(str(context.user_data))}</pre>\n\n" f"<pre>{html.escape(tb_string)}</pre>" ) # Finally, send the message, text=message, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
def run(): configuration.set_preffered_dbms("mysql") print("BOT STARTED...") updater = Updater( token=configuration.get_bot_token( configuration.get_file_location("config.yaml") ), use_context=True, ) dispatcher = updater.dispatcher job_queue_manager = updater.job_queue start_handler = CommandHandler("start", start) moodle_epn_handler = CommandHandler("url", get_moodle_epn_url) get_tasks_handler = CommandHandler("update", get_tasks) save_subject_handler = CommandHandler("subject", save_subject_command) get_jobs_handler = CommandHandler("jobs", get_jobs) dispatcher.add_handler(start_handler) dispatcher.add_handler(moodle_epn_handler) dispatcher.add_handler(get_tasks_handler) dispatcher.add_handler(save_subject_handler) dispatcher.add_handler(get_jobs_handler) job_queue_manager.run_repeating(get_new_tasks, interval=60 * 60 * 1, first=10) dispatcher.add_error_handler(error_handler) updater.start_polling() updater.idle()