Source code for polical.SimpleIcsToCSV

.. module:: SimpleIcsToCSV
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: This module converts ICS calendar file from moodle to CSV file.

.. moduleauthor:: Luis Andrade <>

import wget
import os
import csv
import sys
from polical import configuration

import logging

EXPORT_FILENAME = "calendar.csv"


[docs]def add_event(header: list, filename: str): """This function adds a event as a new line in csv file. Args: header (list): Header for the csv. filename (str): The filename where file would be written. Returns: None. If not has headers """ if not header: return None f = open(configuration.get_file_location(filename), "r", encoding="utf-8") f2 = open(configuration.get_file_location(EXPORT_FILENAME), "w+") f1 = f.readlines() # print(header) for x in header: # Write the defenitive header f2.write(x) if x != "END": f2.write(";") f2.write("\n") begin_writing_bool = False # Flag to detect the line BEGIN:VEVENT # , and start saving the parameters of the event # in this case is for getting the headers for the CSV normal_writing_bool = ( False # Flag to say that is writting everything but no description ) description_writing_bool = False # Flag to say that is writting a description for x in f1: # Read all of the lines between BEGIN:VEVENT and END:VEVENT # Separate the tags from the content, the results are limited to 2 line_list = x.split(":", 1) # list for looking the first character on the line chars = [c for c in line_list[0]] if ( line_list[0] == "BEGIN" and line_list[1] == VEVENT_WITH_LINE_BREAK ): # Here an event begins normal_writing_bool = True # Flag activated, for ONE EVENT begin_writing_bool = True # Flag activated, for the whole set of events line_list[1] = "VEVENT" # ERASED the "\n" character # Here a DESCRIPTION begins, can have a lot of lines. elif line_list[0] == "DESCRIPTION": description_writing_bool = True # Flag activated, for the DESCRIPTION # A description can be conformed by a lot of especial characters so # the description will be between "" f2.write('"') # If the lines are not beginning with an space or an "\t", means that # is another tag and not currently a decription, but it can change elif ( chars[0] != " " and chars[0] != "\t" and chars[0] != "\n" and description_writing_bool ): description_writing_bool = ( False # Flag deactivated, it means a description content ends ) f2.write('"' + ";") # Also finished with a semicolon elif ( line_list[0] == "END" and line_list[1] == VEVENT_WITH_LINE_BREAK ): # An event fisnish normal_writing_bool = False # Flag deactivated, a event ends if normal_writing_bool and description_writing_bool == False: # If normal_writing_bool is activated and description_writing_bool deactivated means that # is every posible tag except a description # print(list) try: # Delete the especial character removebsn = line_list[1].split("\n", 1) f2.write(removebsn[0].replace(";", "") + ";") # Adds semicolon and avoids double ";" except Exception as e: print(e) elif normal_writing_bool and description_writing_bool: # If normal_writing_bool and description_writing_bool are # activated it is a description and can have differentes kind of # lines new_list = { x.replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "").replace("DESCRIPTION", "") for x in line_list } for x in new_list: # A for loop to add the contents to the description f2.write(x) elif normal_writing_bool == False and begin_writing_bool: # if normal_writing_bool is deactivated and begin_writing_bool activated, that means that # a event has ended so a "\n" is added f2.write("\n")
[docs]def convert_ics_to_csv(url: str): """This function downloads the moodle calendar and addEvents to a CSV file. Args: url (str): URL to download moodle calendar """ print("Descargando calendario desde Aula Virtual...")"Descargando calendario desde Aula Virtual...") filename = configuration.get_file_location("mycalendar.ics") if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename), filename) add_event(find_header(filename), filename) print("\nEspere...")"Descarga de calendario finalizada.")
[docs]def find_header(filename: str) -> list: """This function looks for all the file to get the most longest header. Args: icsCal (str): The ics file location. Returns: (list): List containing the largest header list. """ f = open(configuration.get_file_location(filename), "r", encoding="utf-8") f2 = open(configuration.get_file_location(EXPORT_FILENAME), "w+") f1 = f.readlines() begin_writing_bool = False # Flag to detect the line BEGIN:VEVENT # , and start saving the parameters of the event # in this case is for getting the headers for the CSV normal_writing_bool = False description_writing_bool = False # Saving a description that could be large for x in f1: line_list = x.split(":", 1) chars = [c for c in line_list[0]] # Looking for the line that begins an event if line_list[0] == "BEGIN" and line_list[1] == VEVENT_WITH_LINE_BREAK: normal_writing_bool = True begin_writing_bool = True # Looking for the line where the description begins to activate its # flag elif line_list[0] == "DESCRIPTION": description_writing_bool = True # If the lines are not beginning with an space or an "\t", means that # is another tag and not currently a decription, but it can change elif ( chars[0] != " " and chars[0] != "\t" and chars[0] != "\n" and description_writing_bool ): description_writing_bool = False if line_list[0] == "END": # If the event comes to its end the flag # deactivates normal_writing_bool = False else: "" # If all of the headers are reached it only writes and \n and stops the for loop if normal_writing_bool == False and begin_writing_bool == True: f2.write("END\n") elif normal_writing_bool and description_writing_bool == False: # Everything that can be and tag inside an event is appended to the # list, but if the events are irregulars this can cause errors f2.write(line_list[0].replace(";", "") + ";") elif ( normal_writing_bool and description_writing_bool and line_list[0] == "DESCRIPTION" ): # If the tag is description this is added, but can be lines that # are part of the description f2.write(line_list[0].replace(";", "") + ";") f2.close() # File calendar.csv is closed headers_list = [] # A list of every posible header if the ics file is # IRREGULAR # Reading the calendar.csv temporary to get the header with the most number # of tags with open(configuration.get_file_location(EXPORT_FILENAME)) as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=";") for row in csv_reader: headers_list.append(row) # File name to erase the calendar.csv that is temporary filename = configuration.get_file_location(EXPORT_FILENAME) if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) # Get the header with the most number of tags if len(headers_list) > 1: return max(headers_list, key=len) else: return []
def main(argv): if len(argv) == 2: # Arguments filename = argv[1] add_event(find_header(filename), filename) else: print("python file/location/file.ics")"python file/location/file.ics") if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)